Math Tutoring
Tutoring Services
Needs assessment; after-school tutoring; homework help; skill-building; problem-solving training and practice; catch-up sessions for students who have fallen behind in a class; final exam review sessions; study skills. Contact me to see how I can help your child.
Proven Results
I tutor middle school and high school students in math including pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, statistics, data science, pre-calculus, and calculus. Students have raised their grades from one to three letter grades in less than three months and all are performing at a B or better level.
Free Consultation
Make sure my teaching style and your child's learning style are compatible before you make a commitment. Your first session is free (up to an hour, for new students only, test prep/college excluded). Contact me to schedule your free consultation.
Now enrolling for Spring & Summer 2025
All Making Math Awesome™ classes and tutoring sessions are held online via Zoom. I am currently scheduling regular weekly appointments with my math students. Contact me soon to set up your initial visit and reserve your spot on my schedule!
About me
My bachelor's degree is in mathematics and my master's degree is in business. I am passionate about teaching! There's nothing I love more than seeing that spark of understanding light up a student's eyes.
I tutor all levels of mathematics from K-12 and college, for both after-school students and home school students. I especially enjoy working with gifted students and students who are struggling in math. So far I have not met a student whom I couldn't help understand and love math.
My motto is: "Math is fun! Math is important! Everyone can do math!"™